Confirmation of performance

    We are pleased to inform you that your act has been selected to perform (see attached stage schedule). Please confirm your attendance by completing the form below.
    Contact person: Contact address: Band member names and ages (you can put just 18+ if you want. However, if a performer is under 18, please give the name of a responsible adult): Roadie name / Manager* (note: since this is a not-for-profit cause and due to the ticket prices being affordable, each performer will be entitled to one guest only). Playlist (please also complete the attached PRS form. You may be asked to amend your set list if you are a covers band and another band is performing the same song.) Attach PRS file:

    On the day:

    Equipment to be placed on stage #). Please note, a drum kit (excl. breakables, snare, cymbals) and bass amp will be provided on the Bands Stage). #) Please attach a stage plan. Will your electrical equipment need to be PAT tested on the day: YesNo (Note: there is a small charge of £3 per item). Wrist bands will be issued at registration, which is in the Green Room at John Hampden School, next to Elms Park. Please note that changeover times are short, so please be ready and waiting to get any equipment you have on stage to make the changeover as efficient as possible and ensure the smooth running of the event. Any delay in setting up will mean you have a shorter performance time.

    Information for the programme

    This information will be used in the printed programme and website, and for the compere to introduce you. Maximum 70 words please. Please also attached a band photo and / or logo if you have not already sent one. This will be used in the programme and for publicity purposes, so a good quality image is important. Please get in touch if you need advice. Band photo: Logo (if applicable:

    Adverse weather

    Please note that in cases of adverse weather we may be required to temporarily or permanently close one or more stages, resulting in performances being delayed, curtailed, or cancelled. Such occurrences are extremely rare and we would of course very much regret having to take such action. However, the safety of visitors, performers and our volunteers is paramount and will remain so under all circumstances.


    Please advertise the event on your website/Facebook/Twitter and link to the Music In The Park website – - and its Facebook page -


    Advance tickets will be on sale via the website or various outlets in Thame – see our website and Facebook page ( for details.

    Getting there

    Performer’s Area / Green Room The performer’s area is located at the John Hampden School in Jackson Hall. Please note this area is for performers only. Anyone without a performer’s wristband will be asked to leave. The performers area is where you register and collect your wristbands, and acts as a green room throughout the day. There will be toilets and drinking water available in the school. No food will be provided; there will be food outlets at the event. Car Parking Each act can leave one car on site for equipment transfer; parking is extremely limited at John Hampden School. If you have more than one vehicle, we recommend parking on Upper High Street or on the industrial sites. Click here for a map of the park and parking locations Vehicle details Note: Only one car per act will be allowed to park onsite. Other cars will be allowed a five-minute drop-off time outside the green room; sorry but parking is very limited – please adhere to the guidelines as it makes the event run much more smoothly. Also please provide the mobile phone no. of the car owner, in case of emergency. Thanks very much for agreeing to play at Music in the Park, Thame, let’s hope the sun shines on us again this year. Michele Pethers Crash Records [email protected] Tel 07779-732097

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